The Four Johns
(also: Strange she hasn't Written)
The Fox Valley Murders
Freitzke's Turn
Galactic Effectuator
Gateway to Strangeness
(also: Sail 25)
(also: Dust of Far Suns)
The Genesee Slaugh Murders
Gift of Gab
Gold and Iron(also: Slaves of the Klau)
(also: Planet of the Damned)
Golden Girl
The Gray Prince
(also: The Domains of Koryphon)
Green Magic
Green Magic: The Fantasy Realms of Jack vance
Guyal of Spere
Hard-Luck DiggingsHouse Lords
The House on Lily Street
The Houses of IszmThe Howling BoundersI-C-a-BeM(also: The Augmented Agent)
I'll Build Your Dream Castle
(also: Dream Castle)
Isle of Peril
The Killing MachineThe King of ThievesThe Kokod WarriorsThe KragenThe Languages of Pao
The Last Castle
Liane the Wayfahrer
(also: The Loom of Darkness)
Light from a Lone Star
Lost Moons
LuruluLyonesse 1- Suldrun's Garden
Lyonesse 2- The Green Pearl
Lyonesse 3- Madouc
The Madman Theory
The Man from Zodiac(also: Milton Hack from Zodiac)
The Man in the Cage
The Manse of Iucounu
Marune: Alastor 933
Maske: Thaery
The Masquerade on Dicantropus
Mazirian the Magician
Meet Miss Universe
Men of the Ten Books(also: The Ten Books)
The Men Return
Milton Hack from Zodiac(also: The Man from Zodiac)
The Miracle-Workers
The Mitr
Monsters in Orbit
The Moon Moth
Morreion: a Tale of the Dying Earth
The Mountains of Magnatz
Murder Observed(also: The Absent-Minded Professor)
(also: First Star I see Tonight)
The Murthe
The Narrow LandNew Bodies for Old
(also: Chateau d'If)
The New Prime
(also: Brain of the Galaxy)
Overlords of Maxus(also: Crusade to Maxus)
The Overworld